Getting Started
We’ve built some great relationships with our clients over the years (as well as websites!)
With this in mind and to make our partnership a success we’d like you you to bear the following in mind:

Do You Have Goals?
If you don’t know where you’re going it’s very hard for me to get you there!
If you don’t have clear goals defined be prepared to do some ground work with me to establish what they are. Otherwise it’s usually a waste of my time and your money.
Don’t fret! We’ve helped lots of business realise where they want to be and then helped to get them there.

Do You Have An Audience?
“If you build it – they will come” only really happens in the movies. In real life you have to work to find your audience. Usually through blogging, presentations, networking, interviews, advertising, articles and education. All of these will help generate an audience and new customers online.
If you don’t have an established audience you will need to be prepared to build one. But thankfully you’re in the right place for some good, solid advice.

Do You Have The Passion?
Building an online business isn’t easy. It takes hard work and it takes time. There will be times when frustration overwhelms you and you’ll feel like throwing in the towel.
If you don’t have the passion to drive your business then online isn’t the pace for you. We can help keep your focus on your business by partnering with you for the other stuff.
Or alternatively you could move aside and let your competitors nudge you out. Your choice!

Do You Have Support?
Jack of all Trades but Master of None! Is this you? You’ll need a team around you to make a success of an online business. There’s a lot to do and to learn and you’re probably not going to want to take it all on yourself.
Just like you employ an accountant to take care of your books you should make sure you have someone in place to deal with your website. If you don’t we can help you find someone or better still you can sign up for one of our care plans. Leave it to the professionals and focus on what you do best.

Do You Have The Budget?
Building an online business isn’t easy. It takes hard work and it takes time. There will be times when frustration overwhelms you and you’ll feel like throwing in the towel.
If you don’t have the passion to drive your business then online isn’t the pace for you. We can help keep your focus on your business by partnering with you for the other stuff.
Or alternatively you could move aside and let your competitors nudge you out. Your choice!

Do You Have The Time?
Building a website and digital marketing campaign takes time – yours and mine! Please be prepared to put in the time and effort required. The sooner you do the sooner your investment starts paying you back.
I know it’s easy to get distracted but we’ll help you stay on track with our proven processes.
Without your undivided attention, your site will not get built and you may find yourself bumped by another project for a business owner that’s super keen.